Список научных публикаций  

Dr. Alexander Klimchouk

Selected scientific publications on karstology and speleology
(Of over 250 total)
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ROGOZHNIKOV V.JA. 1972. Sulphate karst of the Bakhmutsky Depression. Peshchery (Caves), vol.12-13. Perm: Perm University. 41-48. (russ.)
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ROGOZHNIKOV V.JA. 1978. Karst caves of the Kyrktau massif, Tjan-Shan. Peshchery (Caves), vol.17. Perm: Perm University. 40-48. )russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B., ROGOZHNIKOV V.JA. and LOMAEV A.A. 1978. The deepest karst cave in the USSR. Izvestija VGO, vol.110, n.2. 92-98. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B., STOTLAND A.B. and LOMAEV A.A. 1979. Karst and speleological investigations in the Kyrktau massif, Zeravshansky Ridge. Izvestija VGO, vol.111, n.5. 117-123. (russ.)
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ROGOZHNIKOV V.JA. 1981. Karst of the Kyrktau Massif, Zeravshan Ridge, Tjan-Shan. Kiev: Inst. Geol. Nauk. 54 p. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B., JABLOKOVA N.L. and OL''SHTYNSKY S.P. 1981. The regularities in the formation of gas composition of the air in the large karst caves of Podolia and Bukovina. In: Proc. of the 8th Intern. Congress of Speleology, Vol.1, Bowling Green, USA. 21-23.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ROGOZHNIKOV V.Ja. 1982. Conjugate Analysis of a Development History of a Large Cave System (On Example of Atlantida Cave). Kiev: Inst. Geol. Nauk. 58 p. (russ.).
AKSEM S.D., KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ROGOZHNIKOV V.JA. 1983. Dynamics of modern karst development in gypsum by geochemical data. In: Kinetica i dinamica geokhemicheskikh processov: Kiev, AN USSR. 154-159. (russ).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1984. Detailed investigation of the clastic fluvial sediments in the large cave system. In: Peshchery (Caves). The Types and Methods of Investigation. Perm: Perm University. 70-89. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ROGOZHNIKOV V.Ja. 1984. On impact of the Late Qarternary glaciation on karst development in Arabika massif, Caucasus. Izvestija VGO, v.116, n.2. 112-119. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B., JABLOKOVA N.L., OL''SHTYNSKY S.P. 1984. Formation of the air gas composition in the caves of Podolia and Bukovina. Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoj SSR, ser.B, n.2. 138-143. (russ., res.engl.).
SOKOLOVSKIJ I.L. and KLIMCHOUK A.B. (eds.). 1985. Phisical Geography and Geomorphology, Vol.32. Karst of the Ukraine: Kiev, Vyshcha Shkhola. 130 p. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1985. Concept of a cave and some other theoretic problems of speleology. In: Fizycheskaja Geographija i Geomorphologija. Vol.32. Karst of the Ukraine: I.L.Sokolovskij, A.B.Klimchouk (eds.): Kiev, Vyshcha Shkhola. 24-32. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B., AKSEM, S.D., SHESTOPALOV, V.M. and LISICHENKO, G.V., 1985, Geological and hydrogeological conditions of karst development of the Pridnestrovsky Podolia. In: I.L.Sokolovskij and A.B.Klimchouk, eds., Fizycheskaja Geographija i Geomorphologija, v. 32. Karst of the Ukraine: Kiev, Vyshcha Shkhola, p. 47-54. (in Russian).
GAJDIN A.M., KLIMCHOUK A.B. and KOVSHIKOV H.H. 1985. Protection of Geological Environment on Sulphur Deposits: Moscow: NIITEHIM. 36 p. (russ.).
DUBLJANSKY V.N., KLIMCHOUK A.B. and KISSELJOV V.N. 1985. Speleology in the USSR. Cave Science, 12, 1. 9-18.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1986. Genesis and development history of the large gypsum caves in the Western Ukraine. Le Grotte d''Italia. 4(XIII). 51-71.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ANDREJCHOUK V.N. 1986. Geological and hydrogeological conditions of gypsum karst development in the Western Ukraine. Le Grotte d''Italia. 4(XII), 349-358.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and JABLOKOVA N.L. 1986. Methods of study of the gas composition of cave air. In: Peshchery (Caves). Methods of Studies. Perm: Perm University. 68-77. (russ.).
KISSELJOV V.E., KLIMCHOUK A.B. and DUBLJANSKY V.N. 1986. Le point des reshershes karstologiques en U.S.S.R. Karstologia, 7. 36-40.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1987. Conditions and peculiarities of karstification into sub-surface zone of carbonaceous massives. Caves of Georgia, Vol.11, 54-65. (russ.,res. engl.).
KIKNADZE T.Z., KLIMCHOUK A.B, and KISSELJOV V.E. 1987. Study of the Sof Omar Cave, Ethiopia. - Caves of Georgia, Vol.11, 38-54. (russ., res.engl.).
DUBLJANSKY V.N., KLIMCHOUK A.B., VAKHRUSHEV B.A. et al. 1987. Large Karst Caves of the USSR. Crimean Speleological Province: Moscow, VINITI, 65 p. (russ.).
DUBLJANSKY V.N., KLIMCHOUK A.B., KISSELJOV V.E. at al. 1987. Large Karst Caves of the USSR. Speleological Provinces of the Caucasus: Moscow, VINITI, 260 p. (russ.).
TINTILOZOV, Z.K., REZVAN V.D., DUBLJANSKY V.N. and KLIMCHOUK, A.B. 1987. Speleological and hydrogeological peculiarities of the Bzybskiy massif (W.Caucasus). Communications of Georgian Acad. Sci., 127 (3). 569-572. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A. B. and ANDREJCHOUK V. N. 1988. Geologic and hydrogeologic conditions of development of large gypsum caves in the Western Ukraine and their genesis. In: Peshchery (Caves). Gypsum and Anhydrite Caves: Perm, Perm University. 12-25. (russ).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. et al. 1988. Regime Study of Gypsum Karst Activity in the Western Ukraine: Kiev, Inst. Geol. Nauk. 55 p. (russ., res.engl.).
AKSEM S.D. and KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1988. Study of intensity and dynamics of gypsum dissolution in caves of the Western Ukraine. In: Peshchery (Caves). Gypsum and Anhydrite caves: Perm, Perm University. 75-85. (russ).
SHESTOPALOV V.M., GUDZENKO V.V., KLIMCHOUK A.B. and MOLOZHANOVA E.G. 1988. Methods of artificial indicators. In: Water Exchange in Hydrogeological Structures of the Ukraine. Methods of Investigation: W.M.Shestopalov (ed.): Kiev,Naukova Dumka. 205-222. (russ.)
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1989. Significance of the Subsurface Zone in Karst Hydrology and Morphogenesis. Kiev, Inst. Geol. Nauk. 44 p. (russ.,res.engl.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. et. al. 1989. Geomorphological and hydrogeological peculiarities of karst of the Arabika massif, Western Caucasus. In: Problems of Karst Complex Study of Mountaineous Countries: Proc. of the Int.Symp.of Speleology: Tbilisi, 1989. 114-117. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and JABLOKOVA N.L. 1990. Genesis of carbon dioxide of air in Ukrainian caves. In: Proc. of the 10 Int. Congress of Speleology, v.Ш, Budapesht, 1989. 800-801.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and JABLOKOVA N.L. 1990. Evidence of hydrological significance of epikarstic zone from study of oxigen isotope composition of water, Arabika massif, Western Caucasus. In: Proc. of the 10 Int. Congress of Speleology, v.Ш, Budapesht, 1989. 800-801.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1990. Karst groundwater circulation systems of the Arabika massif. In: Peshchery (Caves). Problems of study: Perm, Perm University. 6-16. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK, A. 1990. Artesian origin of large labyrinth caves in the Miocene gypsum of the Western Ukraine. Doklady AN Ukr.SSR, Ser. B. Geol., chem. and biol. sciences. №7. 28-32. (russ.,res. engl.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B., SHESTOPALOV V.M. 1990. Large maze caves in gypsum in the Western Ukraine: speleogenesis under artesian conditions. Geologicheskij Zhurnal, 5, 93-104. (russ.,res. engl.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1991. Le grotte del massiccio di Arabika. La Rivista del CAI, 112, n.1. 37-47. (ital.).
AKSEM S.D., and KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1991. Study of Equilibria in a "Rock-Solution" System and Some Other Problems of Sulphate Karst Hydrochemistry: Kiev, Karst & Speleological Center, vol.1. 25 p. (russ.,res. engl.).
GAJDYN, A.M., KLIMCHOUK, A.B., ANTROPTSEV, A.M. and OSTASH, L.I. 1991. Modification of groundwater exchange under impact of mining. In: Water Exchange in Hydrogeological Structures of Ukraine. Water Exchange in Disturbed Conditions. Kiev: Naukova dumka. 208-228. (russ.)
NASEDKIN V.M. and KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1991. Airborne alpha-radiation in caves: state of the art. The Light, n.1. 9-13. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1991. Large maze caves in gypsum in the Western Ukraine: speleogenesis under artesian conditions. NSS Bulletin, 53, 71-82. (engl.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1992. Large gypsum caves in the Western Ukraine and their genesis. Cave Science, v.19, n.1. 3-11.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1992. Speleogenesis under artesian conditions. The Light, n.3 (5). 7-3. (russ., res.engl).
ANDRAJCHOUK, V. and KLIMCHOUK, A. 1993. Environmental change and human impact on karst in the Western Ukraine. In: P.Williams, Ed.: Кarst Terrains, Environmental Change and Human Impact. Catena Suppl. 25. Catena Verlag, 147-160.
KLIMCHOUK A.B.and DUBLJANSKY V.N. 1993. Speleological explorations in the territory of the former USSR. The Light, n.1-2 (7-8). 24-27. (russ., res.engl).
KLIMCHOUK A.B.and NASEDKIN V.M. 1993. Radon in caves of the CIS. The Light, n.6(4). 21-35(russ., res. engl.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B., NASEDKIN V.M. and CUNNINGHAM K.I. 1993. Secondary cave formations of the aerosol origin. The Light, n.3(9). 15-28. (russ.,res.engl).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1994. Karst and natural caves. In: Geoecology of the Ukraine: E.F.Shnjukov, I.I.Molodykh (eds.): Kiev, Naukova Dumka. 134-141. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1994. Speleogenesis under confined conditions, with recharge from adjasent formations. Publ. Serv. Geol. Luxembourg, vol.XXVII: Comptes Rendus du Coll. Intern. de Karstologie a Luxembourg. 85-95.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and JABLOKOVA N.L. 1994. Airborne carbone dioxide in Ukrainian caves. Publ. Serv. Geol. Luxembourg, vol.XXVII: Comptes Rendus du Coll. Intern. de Karstologie a Luxembourg. 173-178.
KLIMCHOUK, A.B. 1994. Speleogenesis in gypsum and geomicrobiological processes in the Miocene sequence of the Pre-Carpatian region. Breakthroughs in Karst Geomicrobiology and Redox Geochemistry (Abstracts and Field Trip Guide for the symposium held February 16-19, 1994, Colorado Springs, Colorado). Karst Water Institute, Special Publications 1. 40-42.
KLIMCHOUK A.B.and GUDZENKO V.V. 1994. Radiocaesium in a karst system: Marble Cave, Crimea. Problems of Physical Speleology. Moscow: MFTI Publ. 76-88.
KLIMCHOUK A.B., NASEDKIN V.M. and CUNNINGHAM K.I. 1995. Speleothems of aerosol origin. NSS Bulletin, 57. 31-42.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1995. Karst morphogenesis in the epikarstic zone. Cave and Karst Science, vol.21, No.2. 45-50.
KLIMCHOUK A.B., ANDREJCHOUK, V.N. and TURCHINOV, I.I. 1995. Structural prerequisites of speleogenesis in gypsum in the Western Ukraine. Espeleotemas, 5. 3-30.
KLIMCHOUK A.B., ANDREJCHOUK, V.N. and TURCHINOV, I.I. 1995. Structural prerequisites of speleogenesis in gypsum in the Western Ukraine. Kiev: Ukrainian Speleological Association. 106 p. (russian, english).
KLIMCHOUK, A., LOWE, D., COOPER, A., and SAURO, U. (Eds.). 1996. Gypsum Karst of the World. Internat. Journ. of Speleol., Theme issue, vol. 25 (3-4). 307 p.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1996. Dissolution and conversions of gypsum and anhydrite. Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue, N 25 (3-4). P. 21-36.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1996. The typology of gypsum karst according to its geological and geomorphological evolution. Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). P. 49-60.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1996. Speleogenesis in gypsum. Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). P. 61-82.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1996. Hydrogeology of gypsum formations. Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). - P. 83-89.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1996. Gypsum karst in the Western Ukraine. In: Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). P. 263-278.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ANDREJCHOUK V.N. 1996. Sulphate rocks as an arena for karst development. In: Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). P. 9-20.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ANDREJCHOUK V.N. 1996. Breakdown development in cover beds, and landscape features induced by intrastratal gypsum karst. In: Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). P. 127-144.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. and ANDREJCHOUK V.N. 1996. Environmental problems in gypsum karst terrains. In: Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). P. 145-156.
KLIMCHOUK A.B., CUCCHI F., CALAFORRA J.M., AKSEM S.D., FINOCCHIARO F. and FORTI P. 1996. Dissolution of gypsum from field observations. In: Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). P. 37-48.
KLIMCHOUK A.B., FORTI, P. and COOPER A. 1996. Gypsum karst of the world: a brief overview. In: Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). P. 159-182.
ANDREJCHOUK V.N. and KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1996. Gypsum karst of the Eastern-European Plain. In: Gypsum Karst of the World. International Journal of Speleology, Theme issue. N 25 (3-4). P. 251-262.
KLIMCHOUK, A.B. and GUDZENKO, V.V. 1996. Chernobyl radiocaesium in a karst system, Marble Cave, Crimea. Environmental Geology, 28 (3). 161-166.
KLIMCHOUK, A.B., SAURO, U. and LAZZAROTTO, M. 1996. "Hidden” shafts at the base of the epikarstic zone: a case study from the Sette Communi plateau, Venetian Pre-Alps, Italy. Cave and Karst Science, 23 (3). 101-107.
KLIMCHOUK, A.B. 1997. The role of karst in the genesis of sulfur deposits, Pre-Carpathian region, Ukraine. Environmental Geology 31 (1/2). 1-20.
KLIMCHOUK, A. 1997. The role of speleogenesis in the Miocene gypsum in the Western Ukraine in groundwater circulation in the multi-storey artesian system. In: Karst Waters & Environmental Impacts. Balkema: Rotterdam. 281-291.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1997. Artesian speleogenetic settings. Proceedings of the 12th Internat. Congr. of Speleol. - Vol.1. La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland). P. 157-160.
KLIMCHOUK A.B. 1997. Speleogenetic effects of water density differences. Proceedings of the 12th Internat. Congr. of Speleol. Vol.1. La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland). P. 157-160.
KLIMCHOUK, A.B. 1997. The nature and principal characteristics of epikarst. Proceedings of the 12th Internat. Congr. of Speleol., vol.1, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 10-17.08.1997. 306.
KLIMCHOUK, A.B. 1998. On genesis of gypsum caves of Podolia. Geomorphologia 1. 120-123. (russ.).
KLIMCHOUK, A.B. 1999. Hydrogeological conditions of development and genesis of the karst cavities in the Neogenic sulphate deposits of the Volyno-Podilsky artesian basin. Kiev: Inst. of Geol. Sci. 25 pp. (russ.)
KLIMCHOUK, A.B., FORD, D., PALMER, A. AND DREYBRODT, W. (Eds.). 2000. Speleogenesis: Evolution of karst aquifers. Huntsville: Natl. Speleol. Soc. 527 pp.
KLIMCHOUK, A.B., FORD, D., PALMER, A. AND DREYBRODT, W. 2000. About this book: Introduction. In: A.Klimchouk, D.Ford, A.Palmer, W.Dreybrodt, Eds: Speleogenesis: Evolution of karst aquifers. Huntsville: Natl. Speleol. Soc. 15-19.
KLIMCHOUK, A.B. and FORD, D.C. 2000. Types of karst and evolution of hydrogeologic settings. In: A.Klimchouk, D.Ford, A.Palmer, W.Dreybrodt, Eds: Speleogenesis: Evolution of karst aquifers. Huntsville: Natl. Speleol. Soc. 45-53.
KLIMCHOUK, A.B. and FORD, D.C. 2000. Lithologial and structural controls of dissolutional cave development. In: A.Klimchouk, D.Ford, A.Palmer, W.Dreybrodt, Eds: Speleogenesis:

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